Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Telemarketing Objections and Rebuttals

Whether you have been selling for a day, a week, or a number of years, you know that whenever you make sales calls, there are objections. But objections are really your opportunity to sell. They give you a chance to focus on the major issues that concern your prospect, and turn them to your advantage in order to make the appointment and later the sale.

An objection has to be treated as a hurdle. You must know how you plan to turn around each objection you face.

In a lot of seminars and trainings that I have joined for telemarketing, I have encountered common objections that come up again and again. We’ll be discussing them here; if you’ve been selling for a while many may be quite familiar. Look closely at these and at the ways you can jump each of these hurdles.

You know I'm glad to discuss this with you sometime, I am busy right now.
Mr. Jones, it’s not my intent to inconvenience you. I’m not going to waste your time; I don’t have a lot of time anyway. I’ll be as brief as possible. If you don’t like what you hear, please stop me and I’ll get out of your way, ok?

I am not sure. I am not interested at this time.
You know something, maybe this is not for you but let me just ask you one more question and I’ll get out of your way. If I can show you a service that you and I will benefit each other, would you give it any consideration?

I am not interested and I am satisfied with our marketing right now.
I can appreciate that. You know something some of our clients told me exactly the same thing until we had a chance to discuss them all the ways we could save time and money by allowing you the advantage of being in front of the customers in your market area. Mr. Jones, if you allow me let us set an appointment at the place of your business to discuss this in a little more detail. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock, is that a good time for you?

Send me an email or literature.
We don't send out materials Mr. Jones, instead I’m glad to explain it to you now on how we can (benefits) while saving time and money, I’ll be as brief as possible and if you don’t like what you hear I’ll be the first person to advice you to pass on this. Fair enough?

The prospect gives you resistance on the money.
Response # 1: I can appreciate that. I know it's not about the money. Let me ask you this, have you ever bought something and you knew you can't afford it? If you want it badly enough you get it, is that right? If you believe and see how you benefit by (benefits), you're going to invest for it, you get it.

Response # 2: I can appreciate that. Is the money the only thing standing in the way? If you have the money would you get started? Well if you believe and see how you benefit by (benefits), you will somehow find a way to do this, like maybe you can borrow the money or let’s put it your credit card. If you really what to do this, you will do those things. It’s not really about the money, right?

You get more yeses to your cold calling by making it easy for your prospects to say no to you.

  • Hey, I can appreciate what you're saying. If I were in your shoes, I’d feel the same way. I certainly wouldn't expect you to take my word for it. Mr. Jones, with your permission, I'll take my case in less than 5 minutes, if you like what you hear, then let's discuss the next step, but for any reason you feel this is not for you, then I'll be the first person to advice you to pass on this. No hard feelings either way. How does that sound to you?
  • You can accept it or reject it as you see fit.
  • I would have no hard feelings whatsoever. If you look through this program and feel it's not for you, hey no hard feelings whatsoever. In fact I'd be the first person to advise you to pass on it. I wouldn't even want you in my business if you didn't feel completely comfortable. Fair enough?
  • If you like the program/our services, we can discuss the next step. If not, I'll have no hard feelings. Fair enough?
  • If you'd like to take a look at my program, that's fine! When I’m finished if you like what you see, we can discuss the next step. If not I’ll have no hard feelings, in fact I'll be the first person to advise you to pass on it. Fair enough?
  • You might like this, you might not. Either way is fine with me.
  • I'm the easiest person in the world to get rid of. All you've got to do is say - this is not for me.
  • Mr. Jones, this may or may not be for you. You can accept it or reject it as you see fit, that's fine by me. And by the same token I can decide if I want you to be a part of this program or not. I'm particular about who I'm looking for. So with your permission I'll show the program to you, and if you like it we can discuss the next step. If not, hey no hard feelings. I'm the easiest guy to get rid of. Is that fair Mr. Jones?
  • This may or may not be for you, with your permission I need to ask you a few question. May I do so?"
  • You know something, based on what I'm hearing, I don't really believe this program is for you. But I do want to thank you for your time and courtesy anyway. Do you have any questions before I go?
Whenever Someone Is Giving You Resistance
  • I can appreciate that.
  • I know what you mean, I’ve been there myself (only if you have been there).
  • I know how you feel. I felt the same way until I found out that...
  • I don't blame you for feeling that way.
  • We belong to the same club.
  • I’m sure I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes.
Inquiring Buffers
  • May I ask?
  • It would be helpful to me if I could understand more about your situation, so may I ask you a few questions?
  • No problem, I can appreciate that. May I ask why? (if people say no to you)
Prospecting Buffers
  • I’m sorry to bother you.
  • Is this a convenient time to talk?
  • Do you have a moment to talk about this now?
  • I don't know if you could help me or not.
  • I’m sorry to bother you. I don't know if you could help me or not, but did I hear you say that you're concerned about...?
Cushion Buffers
  • With your permission...
  • May I make a suggestion? (when you want to close or make an appointment)
Comfort Buffers
  • It’s not my job to inconvenience you.
  • It’s not my intent to inconvenience you.
Agreement Buffers
  • I agree with you, you shouldn't have to do that either.
  • That makes sense to me.
  • I wouldn't expect you to take my word for it.
If You Need to Apologize
  • I think I’ve caused you to misunderstand me. May I re-explain what I mean by that? 
  • I want to thank you for bringing that to my attention. (if someone is mad)
  • Oh! I'm so sorry. I did not mean to imply this was a "get rich quick deal." There is hard work involved in this for people who make the big money. May I explain what I mean by that?
  • I can see by your expression that I'm not explaining this correctly.
Face-to-Face Meeting
  • Folks with your permission, I want to show my program to you and I have a tendency to talk to fast and I don't know why, but if I talk too fast as I go through this, would you please slow me down?
  • Mr. and Mrs. Jones, with your permission, as I go through this program, if there's any part you feel uncomfortable with, please stop me. I'm very easy to get rid of. It's not my job to inconvenience you, so please stop me if you see or hear something you don't like. Would you do that for me please?
  • If you feel the least bit uncomfortable, please stop me.
If Someone Is Really Resistant
  • Hey! Welcome to the club and I can certainly appreciate what you're saying. You know something, with your permission; I'll show this program to you. If there's any part of this you feel the least bit uncomfortable with, I'll be the first person to advise you to pass on it. 
  • I can appreciate that. I wouldn't want you to be a part of this if you felt the least bit uncomfortable. It wouldn't be good for you, it wouldn't be good for me, and it wouldn't be good for my company. How does that sound to you?

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