Friday, November 27, 2009

Call Center and Telemarketing Success

Get at least 2 appointments per day. You work 5 days a week, which means that every week you have, on average, 10 new sales appointments. You close 2 out of 10, so at the end of the year, you should have 100 new clients.

In order for you to be successful in telemarketing, you must be positively obsessed with your work while you're doing it. You have to be so dedicated to the idea that you can satisfy a customer with your product or service; dedicated where there is simply no place for watching the clock, wishing it were time for a coffee break, or wondering how the Lakers are going to do against the Celtics this Sunday.  I'm not telling there's no place for any of these things in your life - just that there's no place for any of these things while you're working. It doesn't mean you must take yourself so seriously that you become a workaholic. It means you must make a commitment to yourself, and build up a routine that is success-oriented.

You must be absolutely dedicated to getting the very most out of your day, and planning ahead on a daily basis is part of that. Don't waste hours planning your time when you could be speaking with clients. Plan your day the evening before.  I would recommend Google Calendar.  Make a to-do list.  Identify important objectives before you start the day; then work like crazy to attain the objectives on your list.

Start early. Try coming into the office an hour before everyone else does. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Selling is going after people and talking to them. Don't lose sight of that, and don't let your drive be misdirected into something that won't help you put numbers on the board.

1 comment:

  1. Both of these services normally considers by business authorities when they going outsourcing. I must say job in both these services not so easy. To convince someone is always hard.


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