Saturday, August 9, 2014

Leaving Voicemail to Warm Prospects

Below are examples of three messages you can leave on voice mail to a prospect that you have spoken to but they're not ready to set an appointment. They have indicated an interest but you keep getting voicemail messages every time you call and they are not returning your calls.

Call 1
Hello Mr. Jones. This is Andrew with ACB Company. You recently had me explain our (products/services) and you indicated an interest in our program. Would you please give me a call so we can discuss if we should go to the next step or not. My number is, 561 XXX-XXXX. Thanks.

If I don't get a response within 48 hours, I call again and leave the message below.

Call 2
Hello Mr. Jones. This is Andrew with ACB Company; calling for the second time regarding the (products/services) you were interested in. If you are no longer interested in (benefits), that is no problem. I don't want to pester you. Would you please give me a call and let me know if you want to pursue this or not. My number is, 561 XXX-XXXX. Thanks.

If I don't hear from the prospect within 48 hours of the second call, he or she gets the message below.

Call 3
Hello Mr. Jones. This is Andrew with ACB Company. I am in somewhat of a dilemma. You indicated that you had an interest in our (products/services) but yet I don’t receive any emails or a phone call from you. If you have decided that for whatever reason you are no longer interested in (benefits), I have no problem with that whatsoever. But I do need to know one way or another. So if I don't hear from you within 48 hours, I will assume that you are no longer interested and I will close your file.

That usually gets their attention.

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