Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Appointment Setting Advice

1.  Stand Up - Talk Loud - Be Confident - You will come across more confident if you are standing up or walking around.

2.  Phone calls are never longer than two minutes.  The phone call is an invitation, not a presentation.

3.  Whoever is more certain will always win.  You call to tell them, not ask them to come.

4.  The mistake people make is to try to recruit them or to sell them.  The outcome is to get an appointment only.

5.  We are not calling to inquire if they want to sit down with us or not.  I am calling to set-up the appointment and assuming that they are interested - that they want in, they just don’t know it yet.  Everybody likes structure and to be guided what to do through good questions.

6.  They ask one question: 75% will meet.  Two questions: drops to 20% and three or more: is near 0% - you have given a presentation, not an invitation.

7.  If they have other questions, say “That's a good question.  Let’s get together at the place of your business and discuss this further, and if I’m with you more than 30 minutes, it’s because you have a bunch of questions.  Fair enough?"


  1. Nice post. I like the way you start and then conclude your thoughts. Thanks for this information .I really appreciate your work, keep it up.SEO Dundee

  2. Appointment Setting is very important for expanding business. Cold Calling is the first step towards appointment setting and that is the best way to get more lead on sales. From cold calling we can convince customer for appointment setting

  3. The appointment setting is an arranged meeting between the client and seller. There is a time and day are fixed and need to follow that so we can save the our time. It is so much successful in current time in a big firm.

    appointment setting

  4. It is very interesting to read how appointment setting service has been done perfectly. I think it is very crucial job from Appointment setter. Better to follow these simple steps.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nice Post! its is very informative and interesting.I really appreciate your work. We also work with companies from all across the globe to help fill up their calendar with incredible appointments setting .


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