Friday, October 8, 2010

Follow Up Call Script

You are NOT calling to
a. “Follow up,” or
b. “See if they got the information,” or
c. “See if they had time to go over it,” or
d. “To find out if they have time to go through it..”

You are calling back to take control of the close and to get the prospect to buy!

Sample Opening #1
“Hi, _______, this is ______ ______ calling with the ABC Company. I’ve been looking forward to speaking with you, and I’m sure you’ve looked at the information I sent and probably even have a few questions.  Do me a favor and grab that, and I’ll hold on while you do.”

This works because:
A. It’s assumptive
B. You’re in control
C. It overrides any initial resistance

Sample Opening #2
“Hi, _______, this is _______ ______ with the ABC company, how are you doing today? Great!  _______, it’s been an exciting morning here, and I’ve got some updates I think you’ll be interested in regarding that (quote/brochure/information/demo) I sent to you.  It’ll just take a minute to bring you up to speed, so do me a favor, can you please grab that (quote/brochure/information/demo), and I’ll be happy to hold on while you do.”

Sample Opening #3
“Hi _______, this is ______ with the ABC company, how have you been?  Gee I know the feeling. ________, the good news is that this won’t take long, and you’ll be glad you took a few minutes to go over this briefly. Do you have the (quote/brochure/information/demo) handy, or should I hold while you grab it?”

1 comment:

  1. I really like this information and you have shared really meaningful and knowledgeable information here.


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