Thursday, November 12, 2009

Telemarketing: Hard or Easy?

Telemarketing is harder in some ways than direct face-to-face selling, because the prospect has no idea who he or she is talking to. On the other hand, telemarketing is easier and a lot more fun for the same reason. You can dress as you like. You can imagine yourself taller, shorter, thinner, and stronger - it's all up to you.

But, no matter your physical appearance, telemarketing success, as with any sales, always comes down to these bottom line questions:

  • How many appointments did you get today?
  • How much commission did you get today?
  • Did you do more business today than yesterday?
  • Did you do more this week than last week?

Some people are phone shy, they feel that calling is boring, they hate the phone, they can't take rejection. Telemarketing is not for everybody, there are a few, that is where and why I exist.


  1. Oh yes yes, well i'm quitting my telemarketing job, only been there two weeks. But 2 weeks was enough for me. Yes, it is not for everyone and i hate the pressure and it makes me feel soooo useless that if i cant get a lead them there is something wrong with me but they dont take into consideration that most of my calls on one day could be rentals, answering machines, people with the wrong criteria and i am unhappy that my happiness is in the hands of getting a lead. I have had a day where i got one lead a day, then suddenly none in three days so i felt so unhappy and i do feel like crap that i'm calling people in their homes "disturbing" and the rudeness of people - i try to be nice. I handle rudeness but not all day long on MOST calls and the pressure behind me from supervisors - come on! you can do it, just one lead! stop using answering machines as an excuse! it frustrated my into so much internal anger and also feeling like im not smart enough. Yes some people dont mind and take it like 'water off a ducks back' but not me! one customer was saying 'CANT YOU TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER'. I dont know what to say to such sarcasm without sounding rude myself. Or one guy said to me 'i was fine until you called'. One lady had gotten out of the shower. One lady was babysitting grandkids and had to hand up in a panic cos the baby was climbing up a railing! one old lady said 'i cant breath properly. I call elderly in retirement villages- cos these phone lists dont show certain detail. I really think each household should only have one telemarketing call per house then maybe they would be friendlier! I dont blame them for being pissed off because they get call after call and when they do say no - as a telemarketer, you have to keep trying to convince until atleast they hang up. I dont like PUSHING people. ARGGHHHHHHHH! like Garfield says :( This job messes with your head if you have a heart but if you are a cold ice queen you can block it out. I saw one lady cry the other day because a man told her she was a 'piece of shit' because he was "apparently" trying to put his kid to sleep. So i think i can justify myself quitting. I feel a bit bad giving up but still - i cant and dont want to go through this stress everyDAY. Job is great if you getting those dangling carrots nibbled at by those bunnies you are hunting but if you arent the fox will BITE! i did my best, i just cant get over the trying to turn a NO into a YES from a customer...just not me. So glad i dont have my homephone on cos as much as i do try to be polite to telemarketers sometimes when you say 'no, i dont need a new phone, ive got prepaid' they still keep going and talking...everyone wants their NO to be respected. Although some customers do not give you a chance to even explain why you are calling. Their choice but im sick of taking the mental torture for it - i have to be a miracle worker to get these people to say yes - seems the men working their get more leads though - i could be wrong, maybe they dont take women seriously in these jobs, whatever the reason. Good riddance and Good luck to those that have a heart of steal :) :(

  2. I agree with you, friend. I've had one full day of telemarketing (after a week's training) and that was enough. I won't go on about it because I'd be rewriting your post, mostly. It was b2b, not b2c telemarketing, but that's not a huge difference, really.


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